Sunday, January 3, 2010

yet i love you winter.....

i am amazed at how much of a love-hate relationship i have with the winter time. The snow sometimes takes my breath away with its beauty then the wind literally takes my breath away as well as my hat. i do love winter wear; boots leggings hats wool etc. but i hate that sometimes its sooooo cold that no one every sees your party worthy outfit. i hate slipping on ice, shoveling snow and feeling like your phalanges are going to fall off and constantly blowing my nose but for some reason i always forget all the cons...until they happen... but then again its always easy to love winter when your sitting inside...


A.S. said...

I hate the winter, it is too COLD! I like the summer when I can wear whatever I want and enjoy the warmth of sun shining on my face and body.

Check out my blog and let me know what you think:)

kyra; said...

i agree with evrything that you said, i love wearing big coats and boot's and playing in the snow but i hate the fact thats it's always coldd.

anyways nice blog, i followed you :)
follow me?

Anonymous said...

i agree with you too :] the only thing i don't like is the cold! by the way, you're beautiful.

check out my blog?